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Björn Axen Volume Mousse Björn Axen Volume Mousse Björn Axen Volume Mousse 3232547 3232547 7350001708935 Björn Axén 13.90 13.90 0 EUR
Björn Axen Volume Mousse
Björn Axen Volume Mousse

Björn Axen Volume Mousse

 -  Björn Axen Volume Mousse suomi netistä

terveys & kauneus
Brand: björn axén

Volume Mousse Medium Hold on proteiinilla ja vitamiinilla rikastettu kevyt muotovaahto, joka antaa hiuksillesi upeaa tuuheutta ja pitoa. Se sisältää lämmöltä suojaavia ainesosia. Sisältää hypoallergeenista hajustetta, joka on kehitetty erityisesti herkälle iholle. Raikas, hedelmäinen ja kukkainen tuoksu, jossa on vivahteita santelipuusta ja myskistä.

GTIN: 7350001708935
Price data updated: 02.08.2024   ID: 62631   Views:: 38
Björn Axen Volume Mousse
Shop Price Price Comparison Björn Axén Volume Mousse 200ml 13.90€ In stock
Björn Axén Volume Mousse 200ml
13.90€ In stock

Product description - Björn Axen Volume Mousse

Björn Axe Volume Mousse is a hair styling product that is perfect for those who want to add volume and texture to their hair. This mousse is designed to provide a strong hold while also allowing for easy styling. It is made with high-quality ingredients that are gentle on the hair and scalp, making it a great choice for those with sensitive skin. The mousse is easy to apply, simply apply a small amount to your hair and work it through with your fingers. It will provide a light hold that is perfect for creating beachy waves or adding volume to your hair. The mousse is also long-lasting, so you won't have to worry about your style falling apart throughout the day. Overall, Björn Axe Volume Mousse is a great choice for anyone who wants to add volume and texture to their hair without sacrificing style. With its high-quality ingredients and easy application, it is sure to become a staple in your hair care routine.

Tags: Björn Axen Volume Mousse  hair care
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