Etusivu             Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100
Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100 Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100 Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100 4003315706045 4003315706045 4003315706045 Brüder Mannesmann 103.99 103.99 0 EUR
Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100
Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100

Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100

 -  Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100 suomi netistä

Brand: brüder mannesmann

Brüder Mannesmann sahapukkisarja koostuu kahdesta taotusta teräksestä valmistetusta sahapukista, ja se on ihanteellinen apuväline puusepän työpajoille. Ne ovat erittäin käytännöllisiä puita sahattaessa, sillä niiden maksimikantavuus on 200 kg. Niissä on erittäin turvallinen luistamaton pinta kunkin palkin yläosassa.

GTIN: 4003315706045
Price data updated: 02.12.2024   ID: 120007   Views:: 39
Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100
Shop Price Price Comparison Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 kpl teräs 70100 103.99€ In stock
Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 kpl teräs 70100
103.99€ In stock

Product description - Brüder Mannesmann Sahapukit 2 Kpl Teräs 70100

Brüder Mannesmann Saw is a high-quality steel saw that is perfect for cutting through tough materials such as wood, metal, and plastic. This saw is designed to be durable and long-lasting, making it an ideal choice for both professional and DIY projects. With a 70100 steel blade, this saw is able to cut through materials with ease, providing a smooth and precise cut every time. The saw is also lightweight and easy to handle, making it a great choice for anyone who needs to cut through materials on a regular basis. Whether you're a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast, the Brüder Mannesmann Saw is a must-have tool for any project.

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