Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010 Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010 Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010 805300536 805300536 CleanAIR 15.89 15.89 1 EUR
Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010
Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010

Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010

Brand: CleanAIR

Äänenvaimentaja CleanAIR® Pressure -paineilmajärjestelmään.

Updated: 04.11.2023    ID: 7742
Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010
Shop Price Price Comparison CleanAIR Äänenvaimentaja 15.89€ In stock
CleanAIR Äänenvaimentaja
15.89€ In stock CleanAIR Äänenvaimentaja 15.89€ In stock
CleanAIR Äänenvaimentaja
15.89€ In stock

Product description - Cleanair Äänenvaimentaja 630010

The Cleanair Silencer 630010 is a powerful air purifier that is designed to remove harmful pollutants and allergens from the air in your home or office. With its advanced filtration system, this device can effectively capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, including dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke. The Silencer 630010 also features a HEPA filter that can remove up to 99.97% of airborne bacteria and viruses, making it an ideal choice for people with allergies or respiratory issues. In addition to its powerful filtration system, the Silencer 630010 is also equipped with a quiet operation mode that allows you to use the device without disturbing others. The device is also easy to use, with a simple on/off switch and a digital display that shows the current air quality in your home or office. Overall, the Cleanair Silencer 630010 is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve the air quality in their home or office. With its powerful filtration system, quiet operation, and easy-to-use design, this device is sure to provide you with clean, fresh air for years to come.

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