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Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf B052936 B052936 475 24.80 26.90 1 EUR
Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf
Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf

Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day

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terveys & kauneus
Brand: 475

Clinique Moisture Surge Sheertint Hydrator SPF25 -

Price data updated: 02.07.2024   ID: 75058   Views:: 40
Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf
Shop Price Price Comparison Clinique Moisture Surge Sheertint Hydrator SPF25 24.80€ In stock
Clinique Moisture Surge Sheertint Hydrator SPF25
24.80€ In stock Clinique Moisture Surge Sheertint Hydrator SPF25 26.90€ In stock
Clinique Moisture Surge Sheertint Hydrator SPF25
26.90€ In stock

Product description - Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf

Introducing Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheer Tinted Day Cream Spf. This lightweight and non-greasy formula is perfect for everyday wear, providing long-lasting hydration and protection against the sun's harmful rays. With a sheer tint, this cream offers a natural-looking coverage that won't feel heavy or cakey on the skin. The SPF 30 formula ensures that your skin is shielded from the sun's damaging UV rays, while the moisturizing ingredients help to keep your skin soft and supple throughout the day. Try Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheer Tinted Day Cream Spf for a flawless and comfortable makeup-free look.

Tags: Clinique Moisture Surge™ Sheertint Tinted Day Cream Spf skin care
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