Etusivu             Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml
Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml Neck Fit Contour Serum on kiinteyttävä ja kohottava seerumi kaulalle ja dekolteelle. Ihoa virkistävä roll-on takaa ainutlaatuisen levityksen. Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml 3209825 3209825 Dermalogica 95.90 95.90 1 EUR Neck Fit Contour Serum on kiinteyttävä ja kohottava seerumi kaulalle ja dekolteelle. Ihoa virkistävä roll-on takaa ainutlaatuisen levityksen.
Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml
Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml

Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml

 -  Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml suomi netistä

Brand: dermalogica

Neck Fit Contour Serum on kiinteyttävä ja kohottava seerumi kaulalle ja dekolteelle. Ihoa virkistävä roll-on takaa ainutlaatuisen levityksen.

Price data updated: 02.14.2024   ID: 338980   Views:: 30
Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml
Shop Price Price Comparison Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum 50 ml 95.90€ In stock
Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum 50 ml
95.90€ In stock Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml 95.90€ In stock
Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml
95.90€ In stock

Product description - Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml

Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml is a lightweight and non-greasy serum that is perfect for those with oily skin. This serum is formulated with a blend of hydrating and anti-inflammatory ingredients that work together to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while also improving the overall texture and tone of the skin. The serum is designed to be applied to the neck and décolletage area, where it will help to smooth out any rough patches and create a more even skin tone. With regular use, Dermalogica Neck Fit Contour Serum Ml can help to improve the overall appearance of the skin, leaving it looking and feeling more youthful and radiant.

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