Etusivu             Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2
Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2 Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2 Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2 3211992 3211992 jane iredale 18.90 18.90 0 EUR
Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2
Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2

Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2

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Brand: jane iredale

Price data updated: 02.05.2024   ID: 60662   Views:: 40
Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2
Shop Price Price Comparison Jane Iredale PlayOn™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2,8g 18.90€ In stock
Jane Iredale PlayOn™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2,8g
18.90€ In stock

Product description - Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2

Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2 is a fun and vibrant lip crayon that is perfect for adding a pop of color to your makeup collection. This lip crayon is made with high-quality ingredients that are safe for all skin types, making it a great choice for those with sensitive skin. The Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2 comes in a variety of shades, including bold reds, pinks, and purples, so you can find the perfect color to match your mood or outfit. The lip crayon is easy to apply and provides long-lasting color that won't smudge or fade throughout the day. Whether you're looking for a quick touch-up or a bold statement lip, the Jane Iredale Playon™ Lip Crayon Saucy 2 is the perfect choice.

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