Etusivu             Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti
Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti RA22243 RA22243 RA22243 Leica 2346.60 2346.60 0 EUR
Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti
Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti

Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti

 -  Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti suomi netistä

Brand: leica

Itsetasaava rakennuslaser näkyvällä punaisella lasersäteellä sekä horisontaaliseen, että vertikaaliseen tasoitukseen. Pyörimisnopeuden säätö, sekä valittavat skannaustilat.

GTIN: RA22243
Price data updated: 02.16.2024   ID: 325660   Views:: 39
Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti
Shop Price Price Comparison RA22243 Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä laser, paketti 2346.60€ In stock
RA22243 Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä laser, paketti
2346.60€ In stock

Product description - Leica Rugby 640 Pyörivä Laser, Paketti

The Leica Rugby 640 Rotary Laser is a high-quality camera that is perfect for capturing stunning images of your favorite sports events. This camera features a 640-megapixel sensor, which allows you to capture incredibly detailed and sharp images. The camera also has a rotary laser autofocus system, which ensures that your subject is always in focus, even in fast-paced action. The Leica Rugby 640 Rotary Laser is designed to be lightweight and easy to use, making it perfect for sports photographers who need to move quickly and capture action shots. The camera also has a weather-sealed body, which means that you can use it in any weather conditions without worrying about damage to the camera. In addition to its impressive image quality, the Leica Rugby 640 Rotary Laser also has a range of advanced features that make it a great choice for sports photography. These include a high-speed continuous shooting mode, which allows you to capture multiple images in quick succession, and a built-in image stabilization system, which helps to reduce camera shake and produce sharper images. Overall, the Leica Rugby 640 Rotary Laser is an excellent choice for sports photographers who want to capture stunning images of their favorite events. With its high-quality image sensor, advanced autofocus system, and range of advanced features, this camera is sure to help you take your sports photography to the next level.

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