Etusivu     sekalaiset     sekalaiset     Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko
Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko 6416885144007 6416885144007 Marttiini 69.90 73.00 1 EUR
Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko
Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko

Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko

Lapinleuku  -  Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko suomi netistä

Brand: marttiini

Leuku sopii erinomaisesti aktiivisesti puukkoa käyttäville eräilijöille ja metsästäjille. Ruostumattomassa kromiterästerässä on kaunis Lappi-aiheinen etsaus.

Price data updated: 02.08.2024   ID: 5518   Views:: 37
Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko
Shop Price Price Comparison Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 puukko 69.90€ In stock
Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 puukko
69.90€ In stock Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 240010 13cm 73.00€ In stock
Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 240010 13cm
73.00€ In stock

Product description - Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko

Marttiini Lapinleiku 240 Knife is a high-quality, versatile kitchen knife that is perfect for both professional chefs and home cooks. The blade is made from premium stainless steel, which is both durable and easy to maintain. The knife features a sleek, modern design that is both stylish and functional. The blade is 240mm long, which makes it ideal for a wide range of tasks, from slicing and dicing to chopping and mincing. The blade is also sharp and precise, allowing you to make clean cuts with ease. The handle is ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in your hand, providing a secure grip and reducing the risk of slipping. In addition to its versatility and durability, the Marttiini Lapinleiku 240 Knife is also easy to clean and maintain. Simply wash the blade and handle with warm, soapy water and dry thoroughly. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbers, as these can damage the blade. Overall, the Marttiini Lapinleiku 240 Knife is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality, versatile kitchen knife. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, this knife will help you prepare delicious meals with ease and precision.

Tags: Marttiini Lapinleuku 240 Puukko miscellaneous
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