Etusivu             Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi
Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi 902567 902567 Patyka 36.90 36.90 0 EUR
Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi
Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi

Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi

 -  Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi suomi netistä

Brand: patyka

Raikkaan minttuinen, vesimäinen seerumi vähentää epäpuhtauksia, sekä ennaltaehkäisee ja hoitaa tulehtuneita näppyjä. Kevyt ja virkistävä koostumus on ihanteellinen seka- ja rasvaiselle iholle.

Price data updated: 02.17.2024   ID: 271239   Views:: 40
Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi
Shop Price Price Comparison Patyka Anti-Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi 36.90€ In stock
Patyka Anti-Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi
36.90€ In stock

Product description - Patyka Anti Blemish Serum –Puhdistava Seerumi

Patyka Anti Blemish Serum – Cleansing Serum is a powerful and effective skincare product designed to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. This serum is formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients that work together to gently cleanse and purify the skin, while also providing deep hydration and nourishment. The serum is specifically formulated to target blemishes and other skin imperfections, including acne, blackheads, and whiteheads. It contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients that help to reduce redness and inflammation, while also promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells. In addition to its blemish-fighting properties, Patyka Anti Blemish Serum is also designed to help improve the overall texture and tone of your skin. It contains a blend of natural oils and emollients that help to deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and supple. Overall, Patyka Anti Blemish Serum – Cleansing Serum is an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes. With its powerful blend of natural ingredients and gentle, effective formula, this serum is sure to deliver visible results in just a few short weeks.

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