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Sigma Essential Kit Sigma Essential Kit Sigma Essential Kit 3083599 3083599 Sigma 100.75 100.75 0 EUR
Sigma Essential Kit
Sigma Essential Kit

Sigma Essential Kit

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Brand: sigma

Meikkisivellinsetti koostuu 12 laadukkaasta meikkisiveltimestä, joilla loihdit virheettömän silmä- ja kasvomeikin. Meikkisivellinsetistä löydät kaikki tarvitsemasi siveltimet täydellisen meikin luomiseen.

Price data updated: 02.07.2024   ID: 58742   Views:: 35
Sigma Essential Kit
Shop Price Price Comparison Sigma Essential Kit 12kpl 100.75€ In stock
Sigma Essential Kit 12kpl
100.75€ In stock

Product description - Sigma Essential Kit

The Sigma Essential Kit is a comprehensive collection of essential tools and accessories for any DIY enthusiast or professional. This kit includes everything you need to get started with basic woodworking, metalworking, and electronics projects. The kit includes a set of high-quality hand tools, such as a hammer, screwdriver, pliers, and wrenches, as well as a variety of cutting tools, including a saw, drill, and sander. It also includes a range of measuring tools, such as a tape measure, level, and square, as well as safety gear, such as gloves and goggles. In addition to the tools, the kit also includes a range of accessories, such as sandpaper, wood glue, and screws, as well as a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, and plastic. This makes the kit perfect for a wide range of projects, from simple repairs to more complex DIY projects. Overall, the Sigma Essential Kit is an excellent value for money, providing everything you need to get started with basic DIY projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced DIY enthusiast, this kit is sure to be a valuable addition to your toolkit.

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