Etusivu             Toesox Scrunch Knee Varvassukka Provence
Toesox Scrunch Knee Varvassukka Provence Toesox Scrunch Knee Varvassukka Provence Toesox Scrunch Knee Varvassukka Provence S01625LUM S01625LUM ToeSox 9.45 12.00 1 EUR
Toesox Scrunch Knee  Varvassukka Provence
Toesox Scrunch Knee Varvassukka Provence

Toesox Scrunch Knee Varvassukka Provence

 -  Toesox Scrunch Knee Varvassukka Provence suomi netistä

Brand: toesox

Knee-high, half-toe socks with a barefoot feel designed to keep your legs warm and ready to perform. With non-slip grip bottoms and lightweight design, they're perfect for all barefoot activities like: barre, Pilates, yoga, and dance.\n\n* Five toe design allows toes to move and spread naturally\n* Patented non-slip grip keeps your feet in place\n* Half toe design offers a more barefoot experience\n* Hygienic alternative to bare feet\n* Arch support band gently lifts and supports

Price data updated: 10.15.2023   ID: 295453   Views:: 42
Toesox Scrunch Knee  Varvassukka Provence
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Tags: Toesox Scrunch Knee -Varvassukka Provence jooga ja pilates
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