Etusivu     elektroniikka     lisävarusteet     Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl
Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl BaBylissin Ceramic Straight 230 on elegantti keraaminen suoristusrauta, jonka korkein lämpötila on 230 °C. Saat nopean ja kauniin lopputuloksen. Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl 3252726 3252726 3030050153606 BaByliss 25.70 26.05 1 EUR BaBylissin Ceramic Straight 230 on elegantti keraaminen suoristusrauta, jonka korkein lämpötila on 230 °C. Saat nopean ja kauniin lopputuloksen.
Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl
Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl

Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl

 -  Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl suomi netistä

Brand: babyliss

BaBylissin Ceramic Straight 230 on elegantti keraaminen suoristusrauta, jonka korkein lämpötila on 230 °C. Saat nopean ja kauniin lopputuloksen.

GTIN: 3030050153606
Price data updated: 02.06.2024   ID: 338658   Views:: 29
Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl
Shop Price Price Comparison BaByliss Ceramic Straight 230 1 kpl 25.70€ In stock
BaByliss Ceramic Straight 230 1 kpl
25.70€ In stock Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl 26.05€ In stock
Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl
26.05€ In stock

Product description - Babyliss Ceramic Straight Kpl

Introducing the Babyliss Ceramic Straight, a high-quality hair straightener that will give you salon-worthy results at home. This straightener is designed to be gentle on your hair, with ceramic plates that distribute heat evenly and reduce damage. The straightener also features a ceramic-coated sole plate that helps to prevent static and frizz. With a heat control system that allows you to adjust the temperature to your hair type, you can achieve the perfect straight look without causing any harm. The Babyliss Ceramic Straight is also lightweight and easy to use, making it perfect for everyday styling. Whether you have thick, curly hair or fine, straight hair, this straightener is sure to deliver the results you want.

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